
POKEMON SENT ME WHAT?! Detailed explanation about

I got 2 Packages in the mail… FROM POKEMON?! UNBOXING!
Thanks to Pokemon for sponsoring this video!

The Pokemon Company International sent along 2 gift boxes for the holidays and we open them in this video! A special thank you to Pokemon for sending along the Free Product! I’m very excited to show off the cool stuff they sent!

ALL GYM LEADERS REVEALED Rumor! Galarian Forms and More! Pokemon Sword and Shield Discussion!

Comments picked up by hataraki-anime.com

Honestly I’m wholeheartedly part of the Scorbunny Team- I was Grookey all the way but then I saw Rillaboom and…. lost a bit of interest in the grass starter. Still like it, but Cinderace though? 100%
Love the vid man and I’m really happy that Pokémon sent you a sweet box! On a side note, something cool that you can do for your subscribers is maybe give away some of the items you received as a thank you to them for being a part of the A-Drive army….congrats again bro
Hey, So i started watching Adrive in about 2016 ish give or take. This was a tough time in my life I won’t go into detail about it up here because the point of my message is just to say to Adrive is that your just an amazing person, your wholesome, a good youtuber, and so many other traits that I can’t think of right now but I just want to thank you and I hope thay your channel stays this amazing forever.

For those 0% who wonder what happend my parents split my family went deep into dept and life was just genuine garbage. The i found his youtube channel and just the genuine kindness and gratitude and recations just kept me through it and so i just want to thank adrive from the bottom of my heart , thank you for being you.

aDrive, I’ve been saying we’re getting Diamond and Pearl remakes in gen 8 since ORAS dropped. Everyone I talk to thinks it’s too soon, but no it’s been just enough time since the last remake. I’m right with ya, Diamond and Pearl remakes are incoming!
Dude, you are awesome. In the months leading up to S&S release, I appreciate the way you handled spoilers and respected the game and game makers. Your Buglocke is the first Nuzlocke challenge I watched ever and it was truly exciting and an Awesome way to be introduced to Gen 8. I don’t have the game yet and by watching your series I really felt part of the hype. You are also very positive and seem like a great, genuine guy. Thanks for being a great content creator.
These are some awesome packages from the Pokémon Company!! The Pokémon Advent Calendar is pretty creative and I totally agree with your assessment on the Diamond and Pearl remakes. 😀
Dan I only started watching u recently and I totally enjoyed all ur hype videos for Pokémon Sword and Shield. I actually found u while watching info of Let’s Go Eevee since I wanted to get back into Pokémon before Pokémon S&S came out. Even watched a lot of ur 252 hours on Twitch. Thanks so much for making me feel welcome in the gaming world again… it’s been a while 😁
It’s actually super cool to see the Pokémon company recognizing you since you’ve brought so much positivity into the community. You definitely deserve the recognition! Super happy for you, this is awesome!
You should do a video on Dallas. First you let her choose her favorite type (you can print out a big picture to make it easier). And then you let her choose from all of the pure types. The. She will find her favorite Pokémon. I know this sounds very bad, but it’s just the way I said it
I’m genuinely surprised you were sent products from pokmeon considering how much content you covered that wasnt officially realased. I guess they either dont care or aren’t thorough with thier screening process.
Imagine if they made gen 8 plushes, and gave you an Orbeetle plush, Durant, Golisopod, Frosmoth, Centiskorth, and a Vikavolt plush.
Wouldn’t that be cool?
I love ADrive He inspired me to start my own YouTube channel. I can’t thank you enough bro. I hope one Day I can be as big as you are and if there’s anybody who just started and wanna grow together add me I’ll follow you back.
A POKEMON ADVENT CALENDAR?! BUT HOW?! I have looked EVERYWHERE for one of these for my son but cant find one anywhere! Any idea where I could find this to buy one? I even checked pokemon’s official website.

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