
HUGE UPDATE! GIGANTAMAX SNORLAX, RARE CANDY BUFF and GALAR BEGINNINGS! Pokemon Sword and Shield! Detailed explanation about

Huge Updates for Pokemon Sword and Shield! G-Max Snorlax!
Rare Candy Buff, Galar Beginnings and more! Lets jump into it!

Gigantamax Snorlax Reveal and the starter Evolutions also finally revealed! In this video we break all that down and talk about the Galar Beginnings, an online competition where you can earn a free 50BP!

Comments picked up by

Really excited to see some updates to Pokemon Sword and Shield with new G-Max Events!
GO SIGN UP FOR GALAR BEGINNINGS (I show you how at the end of the video)

I’ll be teaching you guys how to prep for it on my livestream!

I think the idea behind giga snorlax is that hes been sleeping in the wild for so long that nature has started to grow over him. Its what happens in a word where nobody know how to play a poke flute.
love the galar beginnings promotion! I’ve been playing battle spot / battle stadium since gen 5 (back when online was called global battle union) just because these online competitions are so fun! I’ll be watching :]
I love the update to rare candy! Why? I had shiny yanma back in FireRed game and back then there was no Yanmega so i got it to 100 level and then when next generations came up and yanmega was revealed i was sad that my shiny would not evolve. But now finally after years of waiting i will be able to evolve it! Just need pokemon home/bank.
OMG! Rare candies! This means I’ll be able to evolve my meltan if I can bring him from Pokemon Home. I was so excited when I caught a shiny meltan in go I transfered him to let’s go before I evolved him lol.
I love pokemon but I’m not a big fan of this giant pokemon stuff it’s just kinda lame and takes forever with the animations, the lack of gts is a brutal mistake with no apps like pokebank around I feel like they dropped the ball
My favorite new move is Steel beam tbh, is up there with my top favorites like moonblast and blue flare. But is what flash cannon should’ve been and I wanted it to be since I flash cannon in the anime.
i have to say that was the first time i avoided almoste all spoilers x3 and i have to say i loved going in to the game and knowing almoste nothing x3 also did not know that so many did not like it bevor it came out :’3 i really love the games : did not do it the past times because i wantet to know
It makes me wonder what they’ll do with Behemoth Blade/Bash abilities if they decide to remove dynamax from the next game… or if the Pokémon with those abilities would still be included in the next game…
aDrive, the reason they are revealing the evolutions now is because a large amount of their audience won’t be getting the games until Christmas. It may seem stupid to people like us because we bought them day one, but remember the target audience of these games.
Nintendo games are designed and made with the Peter Pan Syndrome concept in mind to keep their captive market from “outgrowing” their products. They are designed to remain the same like Peter Pan from which Link was taken from. Notice why Nintendo characters don’t age like other video game characters???
A very shrewd strategy to keep their business alive really.
They target gamers as early as possible in their life to program their minds to like Nintendo products. This is the reason why Nintendo keep the “same kiddie games” as much as possible waiting for the next generation of young gamers to get Nintendo products in their minds/programming. It’s rinse and repeat every generation.
This is why adult Nintendo fans are trapped in this habit/programming of nostalgia. They are ready to defend any criticism against Nintendo products to which they are emotionally attached to.
And whats the point of getting a pokemin to level 100 when they get cut down to 50 for everything its amazing hiw dumb gamefreak is and hiw bad they really messed up a next gen game i liked lets go better lol way more to do in that gane and better pokemon
Does changing the weather have any draw backs? Like shiny rates getting decreased or maybe you can’t find any shiny’s at all if you change the date in your switch system? Really curious since im on 3610 encounters for a shiny vulpix and i wanna know if changing the date in the switch affects anything about shiny’s. Or i’m just unlucky (Not going for full odds) If any 1 knows i would gladly read your answer.

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