252 SHINY MONTAGE! Pokemon Sword and Shield Epic Shiny Reactions and Funny Moments!


252 SHINY MONTAGE! Pokemon Sword and Shield Epic Shiny Reactions and Funny Moments! Detailed explanation about

The biggest Pokemon Stream in the Entire World! 252!
Shiny Montage + Funny Moments in Pokemon Sword and Shield!

Our 252 Hour Pokemon Marathon was the biggest Pokemon stream in the world and this epic video captures some of the Shiny Montage moments and funny moments from our incredible marathon! Thank you to every one of you for joining, sharing, and having fun while we explored the Galar region! You guys are epic!

Comments picked up by hataraki-anime.com

THANK YOU ALL! Without you we couldn’t have done such an incredible marathon! The BIGGEST Pokemon Stream in the WORLD!

Enjoy some Shiny highlights and funny moments from our 252 Hour Pokemon Marathon!

Got my 1st shiny on accident yesterday lol I was working on my dex and needed a riolu so I went and bred my lucario and bam, yellow riolu hatches. 50+ hours of shiny hunting resulted in 0 shinies, 15 minutes of dex filling and i get a shiny 😂
I was able to catch a part of this stream, but oh did I wish I caught more! I thought my hype for Pokémon was gone, but you partially helped me restore it!
Oh, I also finally got my Shiny Popplio while watching. I was so happy for that!
252 Hours, it went by so fast. Had so much fun with the stream! The fact we got only 11 shinies throughout the whole stream, speaks volume of how unlucky they got, or how bad odds is in this game. Still looking forward to more shiny hunts in the future~
love u vids im was playing pokemon sword looking for a applin just cause i didn’t have one yet and the very first one i find is shiny i lost my mind i sometimes can spend hours looking for a shiny and not find one and now i find one like that
You haven’t looked at us (the camera) at all in the introduction. I don’t know if you will read this (which I accept your younger fanbase is going to get on me about) but that is disrespectful to many cultures unless you have a disability.
I highly doubt you’ll see this but if anybody can answer it, that’d be great. How do you make that shiny counter widget or whatever for your stream and where do you get the models for the pokemon to put in there?
this game actually hates me took 74 strait g max mon catch failures and now im 1754 into rookiedee shiny hunt with shiny charm
P.S. the guy saying im not gonna hunt one thing ima real hunter idk what ima get….. please try to go hunting with that logic and enjoy the jail time if you try to hunt anything execpt the one thing you have a license to kill u supper smurt thouw
If I’m being honest, Joey was kinda boring for the marathon, adrive and deathly were hunting shinies you know, carrying on the traditions and everything, while Joey was just doing competitive training🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ not really entertaining, I guess that’s why they moved him to night shift
So I have not beaten the 4th gym, I am really close. I decided to do a little makeover on my team, and I asked some friend to give me masterballs. I they gave me 4! I was so happy! I searched online everywhere for some shiny raids, and I got these

1: Shiny Gmax Charizard: Level cap 30, so I got it level 30 with a masterball

Now, I beat the fire gym and continued for a bit

2: I found a shiny gmax appletun raid, joined and caught a shiny level 35 appletun

3: I found a shiny Gmax Grimsnarl raid, and caught it: level 35

I joined a shiny gmax gengar raid, and caught it with my last masterball! Ofcourse it’s not the last one, because I will get one at the end of the game!

I used all the exp candies on my starter sobble, it’s now level 60, just chilling in my box, and now I am gonna continue my journey with some gmax shinies. It’s really fun! My Nintendo online memebership lasts for 30 days, so I and trying to get everything I can, I have one friend who has sword, while I have shield!

My friend is trading me the version exclusives! So I don’t need to worry about them, but I am doing a pokedex quest, where I catch every Pokémon I can on each route, and I am on route 6, searching for Durant! Oh.. there it is! Found it now! So yeah, route 7 pokedex is complete, now I’m on to continuing through the game, searching!

Now, I joined someone’s raid and they had a shiny golispod, but I did not want it, but I still threw a dusk ball, and caught it! Wow… ! 6th shiny! I am not counting the shiny magicarp raid since it’s not so cool, but I have a total of 6 shinies, and 4 of them are Gmax! Wohoo

My journey is doing great! I also nickname all of my Pokémon, so here are the names

Charizard: Charzlord

Appletun: Green Tart

Grimsnarl: Grim Grem

Gengar: Shadow
I am actually working on gengar, so are there any good names you think are better then shadow? Gengar is male BTW

Thank you for reading 🙂

I got a shiny PELIPPER and shiny Pangoro today.
For the PELIPPER I was trying to level up my Pokémon at Poni gauntlet, yes I play Pokémon sun, and the PELIPPER killed my decidueye. He was low so he sos called and ON THE FIRST SOS CALL, it was shiny. I was watching your videos adrive

Then for the shiny pangoro I was also watching you, this video. It took about 40 minutes close to 100 encounters I think at route 17 near Po Town. I was going for shiny goomy but I’ll accept any shiny. You give me shiny luck!

Have to say, this one wasn’t really a good montage like your others, hardly any encounters and more of just random things, maybe add more of encounter and less random bits.
I have yet to find a shiny, but once i get the charm, its game. I got like 70 from lets go, and 30 from other games. I already know who im going for first.

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