TAKING OUT THE TRASH! Pokemon Sword and Shield BugLocke | Episode 28


TAKING OUT THE TRASH! Pokemon Sword and Shield BugLocke | Episode 28 Detailed explanation about

Oleana is not a happy camper as we work our way up to the top!
How will our bugs fair against her giant garbage monster?

Comments picked up by hataraki-anime.com

Rose is a good guy at heart. Doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. I believe he truly thought he was doing what was best for Galar.
It’s a little weird that it took this long for any of the plot to involve us- I mean it was definitely happening but almost everything happened off screen which is different than all the other pokemon games where you’re engaged in the plot relatively quickly. Honestly it seemed like all the story lines happening here occurred off screen and we just sort of know of it. We pretty much completed the entire game without the main story taking place, weird choice for gamefreak to make.
Chairman Rose may be sketchy and evil but he’s doing it for Galar that he love the most. He’s so pure and innocent. Someone or some pokémon brought Rose to dark path.
Hey aDrive I just wanted to let you know that I hatched a shiny Axew while watching your bug Locke playthrough I really enjoy this walkthrough
I haven’t got the game yet, which is why I haven’t been watching the videos in full, but honestly, I don’t trust him. He looks like a genuine kind man, but there’s clearly a bit of darkness beneath him. Oleana herself looks like a very condescending woman, which is its own problem, but that and his mistreatment of Bede, are other reasons.
What do you think of chairman rose?
Ah, honestly I wasn’t the biggest fan of him as an antagonist? Like, his reveal wasn’t the biggest surprise but it also wasn’t necessarily what I expected. I guess I’m still coming around but I’m not sure how to feel of his character overall just yet.
I think Rose is a good guy who just choose to worry about a problem that was far in the future and choose the worst possible solution. But his intentions where well founded.
This is where I’m currently at in my game … But I left Wyndon and went back to the Wild Area to level up and see if I can find some more GMax ‘mon….
The only femenem thing the garbodar had was that it was female lol

And who else thought oleana would have hattenas g-max

Does anyone realise this sounds a bit like the aether paradise theme?
I agree it’s lame they use non-fully evolved mons during the endgame 🙄
Just wanna throw it out there that Roses theme song is fire! Reminds me of Star Wars.
Macro Cosmos Construction? As in… “Big Space” Construction???
I see what you did there!!

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