INSANE SHINY ZEN MODE DARMANITAN! Shiny Darumaka in Pokemon Sword and Shield!


INSANE SHINY ZEN MODE DARMANITAN! Shiny Darumaka in Pokemon Sword and Shield! Detailed explanation about

A Shiny Zen Mode Darmanitan and Darumaka in Sword and Shield!
One of the coolest new forms in the new games! Epic Shiny!

An epic Shiny for Galarian Darumaka and Galarian Darmanitan including its Zen Mode form! Zen Mode Darmanitan is so much cooler in this game compared to the previous and I was super hyped to find this little guy!

Comments picked up by

Congrats on the shiny dude! I started my first masuda today for shiny zigzagoon and no joke on my life 3 eggs in it popped up! Moving onto Wooloo now which will probably take forever since I’ve used all my luck lol
It transforms when it’s under 50% hp and reverts back when healed above 50%. I feel the other ability is better though since it’s a free choice band and then you can equip a second increasing damage to crazy amounts.
Spent 4 days trying to get a shiny scorebunny with masuda method finally gave up after coming across a perfect 6 iv one ;s atleast i was able to get a japenese dreepy threw suprise trade so i guess thatll be my next hunt~
I masuda’d for eevee, got a eevee around 20 eggs. Tried with silicobra for 3 days and no luck, gave up. And now trying for dreepy.
All I’ve got is a egg charm, can’t complete the dex for shiny charm and have to wait for that pokemon home so I can trade from sword to shield.
I was able to get a shiny darumaka but it’s female ik this sounds wierd as hell but i don’t like it so im looking for someone who has a male shiny darumaka and i will exchange it with the shiny female darumaka that is gonna be lvl 100
I noticed more often than not shiny hunting through Masuda can be very generous this gen. Three of my shinies for 8th gen came from eggs and they all came at ridiculously low numbers. And last night I literally hatched a shiny by accident while getting pokemon for my living dex. I wasn’t even trying to shiny hunt I just needed to hatch some pokemon. XD
I think gorilla tactics is likely superior to zen mode, but they are both good abilities. Albeit against my better judgment, I will probably go for zen mode, just because a fiery snowman is really cool.
Why shiny hunt for so many bad pokes, though? Darumaka was the only one you have in the team that was worth it
Umm do you have a spare zen mode one I have sword and I really want a darumaka with zen mode please. It really fits well with my team
People, anyone have this pokemon…. Please i give any pokemon you want, i only have darumaka normal ability.
Yo, anyone have a Zen Mode Darumaka they could trade? I’ve been trying to encounter a HA Darm in Max Raids but have terrible luck
Lol traded mine away for a 6iv shiny ditto

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