EPIC SHINY PINCURCHIN with ELECTRIC SURGE! Pokemon Sword and Shield Shiny Reaction!
EPIC SHINY PINCURCHIN with ELECTRIC SURGE! Pokemon Sword and Shield Shiny Reaction! Detailed explanation about
Shiny Pincurchin with Electric Surge! Talk about EPIC!
An amazing new Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield!
I really like Shiny Pincurchin and have always felt the blacked out Shiny Pokemon are some of the best! This little guy decided to pop up just over 800 eggs and i was thrilled! It even had the hidden ability, Electric Surge!
NEW SHINY METHOD in POKEMON SWORD and SHIELD! How to Get Shiny Pokemon in Sword and Shield!
Comments picked up by hataraki-anime.com
An Epic Shiny Pincurchin in Pokemon Sword and Shield! Pretty stoked about this little guy! Expect to see him in competitive!
I’m going to react just like him when my shiny drought finally ends. Still not a single shiny on Pokemon Sword!
I’ve gotten two shinys so far, I don’t have the shiny charm yet though. I only have sword and no friends lol so it’s hard to finish the dex. I’m 85 Pokémon from full dex
Looking at these video’s give me hope to also get shiny’s. Currently hunting for shiny Vulpix battled 1193 atm lets go!!!! gratz man
So Shinys have different Icons good to know because i’m 770 Breeds in and start loosing sight of the Situation also pretty sure my inventory is almost at max
It’s awesome u got the shiny but I don’t think it’s lucky if it takes more than the odds to get it but good job. Keep up the great vids
I’ve never done anything with hidden abilities. This time around I would like to build my team with their respective hidden abilities. Can you make a video on how to get Pokemon with their HA’s?
Congrats!! I’m currently hunting Wooloo at 600 encounters without the shiny charm. Should I carry on or wait until I get the shiny charm? I’d appreciate it if someone replied 🙂
How did you get his hidden ability in the first place?
Did you farm like 3000 pincurchin until you got it or can you reset the pincurchin with starting the battle and resetting the game when it does not have the hidden ability?
So are the “ultra shiny” Pokémon really glitched? I hatched a shiny charmander with the square animation and shiny Sobble, Dreepy, and Honedge with the star animation. Matthew hit itself in confusion.
watching aDrive just hunting though masuda is kinda underwhelming… completing the dex will eventually become just watching him turn his bike around in circles until he is done with it… it of course its more efficient this way but it sure is dull and samey
It does kinda suck that you have to get lucky in raid battles to get a hidden ability in the first place. Took me forever to get a gigantimax appletun raid to spawn and he didnt have thick fat
Why did you tell that guy neither squares or sparkles are more special than the other instead of explaining that squares are 1/16 odds from static encounters and stars are 1/65k for wild encounters? That is clearly more special