UPDATED SHINY METHOD! EASY SHINY HUNTING GUIDE! How to get Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield


UPDATED SHINY METHOD! EASY SHINY HUNTING GUIDE! How to get Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield Detailed explanation about

An Updated Guide on Shiny Hunting in Sword and Shield!
How to get Easy Shiny Pokemon with Battling in the wild!

With the latest article from Pokemon themselves we have some updates to the Shiny hunting method which I address in this video. The previous methodology was slightly off but definitely in the right direction. We know now that there is no combo and it is simply 500 defeats or captures to increase your shiny chance to max!

Comments picked up by hataraki-anime.com

An Update to the Shiny Method for Pokemon Sword and Shield!

I do still believe there could be more info to come about the actual shiny chance, but this seems to be the correct approach!
Thanks for watching!

I got super lucky! Managed to snag my shiny Honedge after just 143 encounters live! Aegislash is my favorite Pokémon, and it’s shiny is amazing. Not sure if I like this method of hunting or not, SOS hunting was pretty good.
When talking about the chain fishing for Brilliant Pokemon you said “You can run, it doesn’t matter.”. That is incorrect. The article right after that says that running, catching, not reeling in, leaving the area, or turning off the game will break the chain. You HAVE to battle them and knock them out to chain fish.
Just caught my first ever shiny (growlithe) after 81 encounters, lol. My first ever try going for a shiny and i literally wanted to turn the console of 1 encounter before i encountered the shiny. I fought against all of them btw.
I got my shiny Wooloo after 295 encounters! I’m so happy because I was prepared to wait well past 1000 because I’m not a lucky person. I’m naming him Tilly after my cat who has the same black and white colors. =^.^=
I updated my Trainer card and it said I have 1 shiny pokemon. I never even knew so spent ages looking for it in my box! 😂 turns out it is a shiny Lampert and all that changed was it’s flame. I must of looked away when it appeared. Glad I caught it 😂😂😂
aDrive just a quick note: you said that all you have to do for chain fishing is reel it in, but the actual post says you need to KO it every time. It states that catching and running from a fished pokemon both break the chain. Great vid though!
I dream that some day during the making of the “how to shiny hunt” video, someone gets a shiny at full odds and has to recompose themself =w= I’m evil like that. Make the video goofy, get a shiny.
Pointing out a mistake in chain fishing. Specifically in the article it says you can’t catch a pokemon, run from a battle, or fail to reel one in. ADrive said you can run from battles and it won’t matter.
After 3,500 Chewtle knockouts I thought I’d try the catch combo just for the hell of it. A square shiny appeared on the 7th catch! Probably just a coincidence, but it’s one hell of a coincidence. Everyone, just hang in there if you really want it, it WILL happen eventually. 😀 Good luck to all shiny hunting!
Honestly it feels like they went from the 1/4096 to the 1/8192 again 🙁 i have beaten and ran away from 3300 rookidee’s atm and still no shiny. So yea the 1/680 feels off. But I think im just been super duper unlucky! aah well I will get my shiny bird soon enough!
Love your videos aDrive, your the shiny hunter I always come to for shiny videos. I think they had to decrease the odds of finding a shiny because by constantly having a Pokémon or multiple Pokémon at 500 battles (maximum shiny chance) and having the odds lower, we would find way more shinys all the time and would almost take away the rarity from the shiny Pokémon.
Im extremely interested in the fishing numbers. Ive been slamming my face into that 80% spawn rate for magikarp on route 2 fishing spot for a couple days now with no luck. Currently am 300 over the 500 battled. Running away does make it a ton faster with 100 per hour instead of 30-50

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