INSANE SHINY APPLIN and SHINY FLAPPLE in Pokemon Sword and Shield!


INSANE SHINY APPLIN and SHINY FLAPPLE in Pokemon Sword and Shield! Detailed explanation about

An amazing Shiny Applin and Shiny Flapple in Sword and Shield!
One of my favorite new designs, Shiny Applin is AMAZING!

A day of grinding to find Applins hidden ability turned into another day of griding to hatch a Shiny Applin but it was all worth it! We now have a Shiny Flapple on our squad and it is absolutely AMAZING! I love this new Pokemon so much and it has a great shiny!

Comments picked up by

“Think of the name for this apple guys!”
Hes gonna name it Fritter.
*3 minutes later
“I like Fritter.”
*lifts arms in the air signaling touchdown
I found a full odds shiny Applin on my first ever encounter with the pokemon. Upon further inspection, it has squares instead of stars also when it shines.
Dude I saw the notification for this vid, and right when I did, the Squirtle I’d been shiny hunting in Pokémon S/M appeared! I don’t have SW/SH yet so I’m still playing the old games.
I caught my favorite galar pokemane in shiny form last night in under 10 minutes!!
I named my shiny zigzagoon Bernie cuz ‘MERICA! RED WHITE AND BLUE!!
My heart was racing so fast bro… Good luck shiny huntin everyone!
Congrats Dan! I was soft resetting for a 0 Spe IV Artozolt for a TR team I wanna use for 5 or so hours, and I got it as I watched this video! Not a shiny, but maybe I should watch your vids/stream of shinies when it’s time for me to hunt!
Love all the tips and tricks you give up. great videos thank you. but now i got a question:
got you show us the new Evolution Methods for Milcery too Alcremie. or Farfetch’d in too Sirfetch’d.

thank you for taking the time too read this. keep up the great work you do with your videos.

Congrats!! Yesterday, I traded someone I met through a Pokemon trading Discord an Applin for a Deino – Little did either of us know, that Applin would go on to hatch a shiny 8 eggs after! I feel happy that the guy essentially hatched the shiny cus of me. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Hey adrive I need some advice I want to run all ghost type in my game and I just wanted some feed back so message me? I have be out of Pokemon for a long time so I need help I don’t know any of the new Pokemon or moves so thank.
I’m hunting so hard for shiny but I’m starting to realize I just need to get a ditto from Japan or something otherwise I’m not seeing me getting a shiny :/ I haven’t found a legit shiny since emerald.
Did they make a way that we can release mass amounts of pokemon at once or do you need to release 430 something applins lol
A question about the shiny hunting, so I have defeated 500 times with a catch combo of 25+ and I’m still missing on the shiny. Am I missing something here?
Dex: As soon as it’s born, it burrows into an apple. Not only does the apple serve as its food source, but the flavor of the fruit determines its evolution.

Shiny Applin only has a different apple color. Shiny Applin is a fraud.

Flapple seems like a really good Pokémon this generation has been very friendly to dragon types I’ve been having fun online with my Magnezone/ New Dragons Team this generation seems much better than people make it out to be especially the Pokémon they seems much better…

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