

My first ever Shiny in Pokemon Sword and Shield! Shiny Rookidee!
Almost 3000 Encounters with the New Shiny Method! WE DID IT!

An absolute crazy grind to get my first ever Shiny in Pokemon Sword and Shield! Shiny Rookidee is mine! Nearly 3000 encounters with the new Shiny Hunting method and our persistence paid off! So hyped I found this new Shiny Pokemon!

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My first Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield! A Shiny Rookidee!
I’m so stoked to find this beauty after nearly 3000 attempts! THIS IS WILD!

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I just started hunting for shiny Rookidee, so far I’m at 400 encounters, I hope to get it before 1000 cuz then I’ll lose patience lol
We still don’t know what makes or breaks a chain so if this method feels off it very well could be we’re doing something wrong or just unluckier than others.

edit – we now have new info saying there is no chain.

I’m 6 1/2 hours in on Rookidee with a shiny charm 🙁 never seen a shiny in any pokemon game, gave up on Let’s go after 3 days of searching hunting for a caterpie lol, and I just want my first shiny so bad! lol
I actually saw this live at like 6 am when i checked in the morning i was so shocked, sadly he streams from midnight onwards so i dont get to see much of adrive himself
Adrive this new intro is EPIC!! One of the best you have ever had! Congrats on the shiny Rookidee and such an AMAZING an long awaited reaction! See you on stream bro!
Thank you for blowing out my ears with that scream. Now I remember why I keep my volume LOW when I watch your videos.

…..and I got excited for a second thinking you were naming it NightWISH.

I got my first shiny yesterday (11/18/2019),a Nickit.I was trying to evolve Galarian Yamask to do the +49 damage in Dusty Bowl,then i stepped on the grass and the first pokemon i ran into was a Nickit and it was Shiny,what a luck lol !!!
I remember getting my first shiny in sun… a pink sneasal… all i did was walk into the ice cave and i was hyped and then it had a modest nature like wtf…. the worst nature for him
I just completed my first ever shiny hunt! I’ve never done it before, never even had a shiny charm. But I thought it was time to finally get a shiny of my favorite pokemon, umbreon.

I wanted a female so I had to do encounters do I could use Cute Charm to maximize my odds. After a grueling 1,300 encounters (on a low-spawn pokemon), and being taunted by a shiny electrike along the way, I finally got my shiny female eevee!

Good job! I just got shiny rolycoly from 2.1k encounters, and I’m now going for a shiny dracovish (fossil Pokémon) from SRs. I haven’t beat the game yet, so I’m doing these hunts while playing and I’m gonna try to do 1 shiny per gym, good luck getting more!!!
From what I’ve seen from other youtubers this specific shiny sparkle has shown up mostly for full odds hunting and breeding. That and the fact that it took 3000 encounter might (and I say might cause we definitely don’t know enough) show that the method he was doing wasn’t completely right.
Love your videos aDrive. Wish I could play along but can’t afford to get a Switch or the game. But Watching your playthrough on Bug Locke. Keep up the amazing videos. Congrats on Shiny Rookidee

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