A MUCH NEEDED EVOLUTION! Pokemon Sword and Shield BugLocke | Episode 9


A MUCH NEEDED EVOLUTION! Pokemon Sword and Shield BugLocke | Episode 9 Detailed explanation about

With a gym badge in the bag our journey to Nessa begins!
A fiery battle with Hop and some new Bug types!


Comments picked up by hataraki-anime.com

Team plasma as they created a big impact on me with gen 5 bring my first game. Also seeing N’s castle rising out around the elite 4 was really cool and I feel they have the most depth out of any team.
First dewpider I ever saw was shiny. Didn’t even know it was shiny until weeks later. Thankfully I cought it since I was just catching everything I see first time.

Was confusing to me why all the rest I saw were a different color but thought it was just a gender thing lol. Was my first shiny ever without even trying or knowing the normal color lol. However learning it later now made me much more interested in shinys 😀

My favorite evil team is Team Flare because of their “wonderfully fashionable” sign and Lysandre is in my opinion the best evil team boss.
this one i just had to answer, Team Rocket by faaaaar
nice content as always btw Dan! keep it up!
much love! cheers!
Team Galactic. Everything to do with the team and the plan etc. just made me love DPP more. Gen 4 will always live on.

Guzma has to be one of my favourite designs for a leader though.

When you were naming Nincada, I was thinking of Genji and, lo and behold, you name her that! xD Genji is my favorite OW character so I was happy with that coincidence. This is a fun series and I’m enjoying it a lot! 😀
magma and aqua because they differed depending on the game; it changed things up a bit depending on the version
In oras, there was a 5% chance for staryu in one fishing spot, it took me several hours and I found two shiny wailmers before I got the staryu
Aye I’m come back from when I’m grounded and I see aDrive , 504k subs!? Congrats man. -~_~ why can’t I have a youtuber who plays Pokémon who’s is my dad. Your daughter is luckeyeyyeyey!
Gotta say I really like Team Rocket or Team Skull. Team skull are just so funny and made me laugh so much during sun and moon, but team rocket are the OGs’ with a talking meowth
Honestly I think Gen 8 really outdid itself with the new bugs. The beautiful frost moth, the fire Chinese dragon millipede, and the UFO ladybug. So many weird and wonderful designs
I want to thank you adrive! I never look at bug types usually but because of you, I grabbed blipbug as soon as possible and it is now one of the two pokemon I would never leave in the box.

Also, orbeetle is amazing!

You can use the camping method to gain exp and heal up by cooking and stuff. All you use is berries or any ingredients you have

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