FROSMOTH is EPIC! How to use Frosmoth Guide in Pokemon Sword and Shield!


FROSMOTH is EPIC! How to use Frosmoth Guide in Pokemon Sword and Shield! Detailed explanation about

Frosmoth is one of the COOLEST Pokemon in Sword and Shield!
How to use Frosmoth in Competitive Pokemon and More!

How to use Frosmoth in Competitive Pokemon and Pokemon Sword and Shield! In this video I discuss the new Bug and Ice Pokemon, Frosmoth and its competitive viability! This Pokemon is quite interesting since it has a new typing and ability in Ice Scales, but its base stats and movepool leave a bit to be desired. I still look forward to using it in battles!

Comments picked up by

Frosmoth is legit one of my favorite Pokemon designs ever… ITS SO EPIC! How does it stack up in competitive Pokemon?

I’d really love your feedback on this series so let me know what you’d like to see next and any adjustments.
I do plan to start doing WiFi Battles but those are probably a little bit away due to my bad luck atm.

I would love to see a Toxtricity competitive cover. Unique new type combo and two potential forms. Wanna hear your thoughts with all nature dependent evolution mechanic
Hey Dan, thank you for doing a series like this! I love this kind of content 🙂.

I think you might wanna do a video on the terms used in competitive. Newcomers might not know things like “coverage moves” and “sweepers”. So maybe do a video you can refer them to?

Just my advice

That was literally my set that I had on it except the item! I honestly didn’t know what to put on it, but the Heavy-Duty Boots are a big contender. Also Blizzard/Hurricane plus blunder policy would be a good meme build.
You should do one for Toxtricity. I love this mon and i see him being so viable. Scarfed or air balloon. His punk rock with sound based moves. That’s just me but I’d love to see you cover him
Videos like this are awesome! This is the first time my friends and I from childhood have played a Pokemon game together and are even making a draft league. Have you considered making videos on draft league strategies and team building in S&S?
This thing looks built for VGC more than singles, hopefully it sees some use with that great ability and support options like tailwind, wide guard, and aurora veil
Please please please please do a guide on Toxtricity because I’m really curious how it could be used in competitive and it’s my favorite gen 8 Pokémon honestly one of my favorite Pokémon of all times
I was gonna watch it anyway but what happened to silhouette-Drive? It had that “Who’s that Pokemon” vibe you feel me. Whoops it’s a guide nevermind. Goofy👉🤪HAHAHA
Its typing is what set it up for failure. Like Tyranitar, it need some really good stats and moves to be competitively viable. I’m a little sad but I still love the design and this video shows that it can work
Sup Dan! Can you go into more depth on ways to increase happiness in this game? I wanted to use Frosmoth but I was having trouble boosting Snom’s happiness since its level is alreasy so high when you find it in Circhester.
Can these competitive sets apply to battle tower to since I can’t fight online. I am using a special defensive Frosmoth using quiver dance and 3 offensive moves with shell bell as it’s held item. I was thinking of maybe using wise glasses to not restrict her movesets or a lifeorb maybe?
A drive i love your content and your prerelease coverage of swsh but i have to unsub temporarily,your thumbnails are very spoilerey i will sub to you again after the game has been out for a while but i just dont wanna see more spoilers

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