THIS IS INCREDIBLE!! Pokemon Sword and Shield BugLocke | Episode 6 Detailed explanation about
The Gym Challenge in the Galar Region is SO EPIC!
Traveling through Motostoke and to Route 3!
What an epic ceremony! This game is awesome!
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At the moment, it’s Charizard, but depending on how viable it is in terms of use, Rolycoly’s evo Coalossal may take it over

From the first time the 7 year old me laid my eyes on him, my favourite fire type is and will always be Charizard

My favorite fire type is Cinderace, the last evelotion of scorbunny. I chose it because its singnature move is dope!

Arcanine is my favorite fire type and well my favorite pokemon in general. It has been that way for 20 years and I don’t think it will ever change!

My favorite fire type is Blacephalon! I actually love the ultra beasts, I think their strange and alien designs are so cool!

Favourite fire type is hands down Houndoom!! Mega Houndoom even more so 😔 so upset they got rid of megas

My fav fire type… That’s a tough one! I think I have to go with Charizard or Ninetales. But I also really like Darmanitan…! And Chandelure, too! Why must I choose? T_T

For me I’m torn on the fire type. I love Houndoom because dark fire type which is awesome. But I also really love Delphox it was so nice to see a non-fighting type fire starter.

gotta be my main man camerupt/M Camerupt. Was my MVP during my first pokemon game: Emerald.

My favorite fire type would probably have to be Ninetales, I’ll use it over pretty much every other fire type.

Cinderace, mainly because of the concept of a soccer player, and I love soccer so i guess he is my homie XD. Haven’t seen any gameplay of him yet so idk, initially not the biggest fan of his design though.

3 favorites! 3 secondary types! Behold! Salazzle the Fire/Poison type, Pyroar the Normal/Fire type and lastly, the legendary pokémon; Heatran the Fire/Steel type. Tbh Pyroar is my top two fire type favorite.

Used to be Charizard, but with Boltund dethroning Ninetails as my favorite Pokemon of all time, Ninetails replaced Charizard. RIP, but I felt Ninetails deserved to keep some sort of crown after holding the top position for so long.