MARNIE and MORPEKO! Pokemon Sword and Shield BugLocke | Episode 5 Detailed explanation about
Heading into Motostoke with the Bug Squad in Sword and Shield!
Team Yell is hollering like crazy over Marnie… what’s her secret?
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Love your show I really appreciate everything you have done and also on top of that I’ve been enjoying watching your bug lock it’s helping me out a lot I do not have a Nintendo switch yet but whenever I do I am going to buy the Pokémon sword and shield and you are helping me out a lot of trying to figure out my team

the raids are interesting I haven’t done many but hope to grind some for shinnys and good ivs mid to post game.

They’re pretty cool but I often have a hard time with matchmaking; the feed doesn’t show most of the overworld people I see seeking raids, and a lot of the time joining from the feed will fail (even if it only just popped up)

Havent bought the game yet but they look a lot more fun that I thought they are going to be. I would just prefer if I could play Raid battles with my friend and family on one switch.

I’m hyped. I’m gonna use gyrados in my play through so I want a g max magikarp. Or is it only dynamic Pokémon in max raids?

The max raids have grown on me. I didn’t think I’d like them at first, but they’re pretty thrilling, even if I have no friends to fight with.

I find the raid battles interesting, though if you’re the one with the option to Dynamax you need to use it off the bat or be taken out it seems.

Can you please upload this great content more often!!! I wake up looking to see how far your big run has gotten!!! Super talented!

I love the Max Raid battles, except for the fact that splash still does nothing. Poor Magikarp, even at Max you’re still useless😞

Oh my God I’ve never thought of a bug lock it’s so cool because there are so many unique bug types that you don’t really see and when you’re doing these you can actually feel attached because who else are you going to catch really

I think in the last gameplay you should’ve trained your team with the fighting type in the wild area. Love your videos by the way! Can’t wait to get the game sometime next month

I don’t get Sword and Shield til Christmas so I don’t know what the Max Raid Battles are like, but from what I’ve seen, they are really cool and I can’t wait till I get to play in one

I got really lucky and by chance the caterpie i caught on my playthough (just for dex) was modest with compoundeyes – was great the whole game through.
But they should change so you can “upgrade” a pokm to gigantamax with an item or something.
But they should change so you can “upgrade” a pokm to gigantamax with an item or something.