ALL VERSION EXCLUSIVES! Pokemon Sword and Shield Version Exclusive Breakdown!


ALL VERSION EXCLUSIVES! Pokemon Sword and Shield Version Exclusive Breakdown! Detailed explanation about

Which is better, Pokemon Sword or Pokemon Shield?
Breaking down the Version Exclusives for the new Pokemon!

A breakdown of all the Version Exclusive Pokemon revealed for Pokemon Sword and Shield! In this video I showcase all of the Pokemon that are found Exclusively in Pokemon Sword and Exclusively in Pokemon Shield!

All Version Exclusives for Pokemon Sword and Shield! Hope this helps yall decide which game you want most!

Which game are you getting?

Comments picked up by

I was going to get sword because the legendary has an advantage in sword against the rivals zamazenta and sirfetched but I want ice cube penguin dude so much and plus goodra is cool also I always liked the shied legendary better and two words GIGANIMAX GENGAR or the TWO G also GG and yes I know what gg means normaly.
I got shield. Most of my old favorites are in sword, but most of the ones I’ve never used before, and new favorites are in shield. I’m happy either way plus I’m excited to trade for my favorites with my friends and family. Win win!
i am going to play Sword but i really would love to get Ponyta 🙂 might have to ask my bro for that later on when he have it
else i do like the legendary more in sword then in shield mostly cus of the looks of them.
I preordered Shield but changed it to Sword at the last minute and now I regret it because Arcanine (my favorite Pokémon) is only available in Shield 😔
Shields way betterrrr 🛡 🤣 just knew I was gonna get sword then chatted wit sum woes in gamestop & eventually swayed my mind to shield. Something I hadn’t consider lol I hadn’t even seen shields legend until i got to gamestop. Looks cooler as well
Hooo boy, I didn’t see a full list of exclusives prior to buying sword but I’m really glad I got sword…would have been real upset to miss out on darmanitan
I’m definitely playing Shield! Galarian Rapidash FTW (also Zamazenta looks slightly better imo. Zacian is also good, but it looks to regal whereas Zamazenta looks savage
Seedot is supposed to be a sword exclusive but I have shield and I spotted him. Maybe that was just one error but how many other Pokémon exclusives might be errors?
I wanted to get shield but I was afraid that the pokemon Impidimp was only a version exclusive to sword and I wanted a Grimmsnarl on my team so I bought sword instead.
I prefer shield but my favs are exclusive to sword xD (Scraggy, Deino, Rufflet and the apple Flapple in sword looks better, but still Zamazenta and gym exclusives made my decisions. I couldn’t trade gyms but I can trade pokemons)
Dose anyone know if normal ponyta and rapidash are in the game for both versions? Or are they only the Galatian versions. If so do I have to buy shield to get normal ponyta if it’s even in the game cuz it’s says it’s the galarian version and I’m not sure if ONLY the galarian version.
If someone knows Can u tell me if u can trade exclusive Pokemon between versions or are they locked to there individual games.

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