THIS NEW POKEMON IS AMAZING! Pokemon Sword and Shield BugLocke | Episode 2
THIS NEW POKEMON IS AMAZING! Pokemon Sword and Shield BugLocke | Episode 2 Detailed explanation about
The Bug Adventure truly starts on todays Sword and Shield LP!
We find our first few friends including the amazing BLIPBUG!
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The Pokemon Sword and Shield BugLocke! A unique take on the traditional Nuzlocke, aDrive will travel the Galar region using only Bug Type Pokemon to complete his quest! Throughout this gameplay each Bug Pokemon will have 3 Lives to work with! The best way to experience the Galar region and Pokemon Sword and Shield is with the BugLocke and aDrive!
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mine has to be ghost,especially with my favorite mon being sableye thats why im still hunting for dreepy since theres finally a ghost dragon that isnt ubers
Favorite type? Steel types!! Gen 6 with the introduction of fairy types that have a weakness to steel really just affirmed it for me lol
For me it’s a tie between Electric and Poison so when I heard about (SPOILER) Toxel I made sure that he’d be on every SwSh team I EVER create😂😂
Rock and Steel mostly because my favorite mons each represent those types; Gigalith (Rock) and Aegislash/Klinklang (Steel)
My favorite type is Fire. There’s just something about the type that I’ve always loved irl amd it transfers into video games as well
My favorite pokemon type is Dark. I just love the look of them all, and I’ve always had a thing for stealth and sticking to the shadows in video games, and dark typing seemed to mostly fit the mold for me.
bug type honestly. I love how unique they are and as someone who loves these weird designs and dual types SnS is fantastic
Water type! I’ve always gravitated to the water starters, the Blastoise line is my favorite Pokémon. I was born on the coast and have always loved being on the water – also, for woo-woo reasons I am an Aquarius. Go figure!
I have a preference to bugs as well, but my all-time favorite type is Ice. I love the more recent additions to the type like Aurora Veil and the Ice Alolan and Galarian Forms.
My favorite type is the Ice type! Why? On a Pixelmon server, I was nominated as the Ice Elite Four member, and I grew to love my team, and my partner Pokemon Glaceon.
I’ve always thought Ghost types were my favorite since Haunter is a ghost type, and I liked a good amount of the ghost types we have, but then I started looking at the Poison types and saw all the ones there were and how much I loved them all! So I determined my favorite type is the Poison type.
I’ve been playing Pokémon since I was about four, and now I’m nineteen; so my favorite type over the years have changed. First it was fire (primarily because of cyndaquil who was my first ever starter), then it was psychic (because of espeon who is my favorite eeveelution), and now it’s grass. Although I have a feeling in a few years it will change 😂.